a common thread
2019 Graduate Degree Show Submission
Glasgow School of Art
MLitt in Fine Arts: Printmaking

a common thread
there is danger
in the landscape
of meaningless symbols.
but what about
(are there) meaningful ones?
the rope that ties your boat to shore.
the umbilical cord that keeps you fed.
your rock of gibraltar.
the ball and chain.
what is it of
this collection of colors?
the eigengrau.
the time we trace.
the fear that
is everything.
and is it enough
to leave our mark
buried beneath a rock?

a common thread, i-iii
Triptych, 100cm x 70cm (each)
Edition of 5

Images: Wassili Widmer

the string
Run Time 17m
Text from Muriel Strode's A Soul's Faring